Our lives are ever changing and evolving, and so are our careers.
Sometimes it’s hard to know:
Where to start with a... college major, new career, new resume, new idea
What my first move should be
What my next move should be
What I really want
Why I don’t love what I’m doing right now
Why I feel like something is missing in my career
If I can do this new thing
How to get the ball rolling
A strategic, personalized career coaching approach can help you find answers to these questions, gain confidence in expressing who you are, and figure out what you want to do next.

Working with Susan as a graduating high school senior turned the chaos and stress that comes with choosing a career path and college major into an enjoyable and organized journey! The coaching that she provided was personal and tailored to my specific needs. This was an educational experience on many levels. Not only did I learn more about myself but I also gained an understanding of what job opportunities there are in the real world.
I took several classes on résumé writing in college and graduate school, but Susan was able to introduce me to refreshing methods which helped re-frame my value to potential employers. Her goal oriented style allowed our sessions to be focused and productive. At the same time, she was very receptive and flexible, taking broad concepts and applying them with specificity to unique aspects of my field (The Music Industry).
I worked with Susan Rose as a college freshman. She really helped me find and understand more about what makes me tick in work, school and even in a social environment. The strategies were simple yet very insightful. I also gained an understanding of what job opportunities are available and what majors are helpful in obtaining those jobs. She is very knowledgeable, patient, informative, and always willing to help.
I am a forensic nurse and I Iove my job. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for Susan Rose.
I stopped working about 10 years ago to be home with my kids. Now that my children have grown, I started thinking about going back to work. Although I have been a hospital nurse for over 20 years, I found it very hard and stressful to start the process as I wasn’t exactly sure of what I wanted to do. I knew I did not want to go back to the hospital. During our sessions, we discussed activities that motivated me such as photography, law, and nursing. After a few brainstorming sessions she helped me discover the field of forensic nursing. I had never heard about this specialty. It combined everything I loved, and I was super excited. But… I was scared. My resume was ancient, I hadn’t worked in years, and I had no idea where to start. Susan helped me with the whole process. She met with me and encouraged action, she motivated me, she helped me to update my resume, she conducted a few mock interviews with me, and she helped me with the application process. I can honestly say I would not have done it without her. I am forever grateful to Susan for guiding me toward the perfect job for me and for helping me get it. I absolutely love what I do.
Whether you are a high school student unsure about a direction in college, a college student preparing to enter into a new career, or an employee not feeling fulfilled in your current role, we can help. The key is to learn to understand your unique combination of strengths, and what is important to you, and to learn to communicate this. Embrace the Possibilities!
Explore strengths, values, interests and life-stories
Identify how these relate to careers
Explore careers and related preparation
Clarify and effectively communicate unique strengths and skills both verbally, and in writing
Create customized career exploration and preparation plans
Resume and cover letter writing